Membership Application 


Membership matters. The New Testament points us toward membership in the local church for our mutual encouragement in the faith, our protection as Christians, and our instruction in regards to practical Christian living. Aware of the tremendous blessings and responsibilities of a church member, at Hunsinger Lane Baptist Church, we seek to carry out the membership process through these steps:


  • All prospective members must first attend our regularly offered 4-week Prospective Members classes, which gives a comprehensive view of who HLBC is, why HLBC exists, and how HLBC operates. In the class, you’ll discover more about:

    • Church Membership according to Scripture

    • HLBC’s history

    • HLBC’s statement of faith

    • HLBC’s priorities, purpose, and mission

    • Expectations you can have of HLBC, and

    • Expectations HLBC has of its members

    We will also provide opportunities for you to ask any questions that might arise from the content of the class or a personal experience at HLBC.

    Membership matters classes are offered on rotation each Sunday from 9:30–10:30 AM during the Sunday school hour.

  • After each prospective member has completed the membership matters class and prayerfully spent time considering joining HLBC as a member, he or she is able to request a membership interview with an HLBC elder to provide basic biographical information and to recount God’s converting work and recent activity in his or her life. This interview ordinarily lasts 45 minutes to 1 hour. Prospective members then sign our statement of faith and membership covenant in view of being added to HLBC membership.

  • At a regularly scheduled elders’ meeting, the interviewing elder will review the applicant’s testimony with the other elders. Upon receiving their collective approval, the candidate’s application proceeds to the next step: congregational affirmation.

  • During our every-other-month members meetings, each pastor who conducted an interview briefly describes how the applicants, who are desiring to be admitted to membership, have come to know the Lord. Questions are fielded, a vote is taken, and with a majority secured, candidates are admitted into membership.